My Phoebe

20180913_101532Born on a stormy October night

Squealing and writhing with all her might.

From what I  could tell, she was a fine glutton.

She attached to that teat like it was nothin’.

6 long weeks later, I took her home.

That was the day I called her my own.

My Phoebe.

It didn’t take long for that pup to grow.

And it didn’t take long for me to know

No plate of food could be laid aside.

That guilty girl didn’t even hide.

I’d always find her licking her chops

Looking at me from bottom to top

My Phoebe.

I raised her into the dog she was.

The years went swiftly without much fuss.

She became my lovable pet and ass pain

The apple of my eye, my bulging jaw vein.

What else can I say? The girl was mine!

My little troublemaker divine!

My Phoebe.

The years went on and she got gray.

Her hair got whiter every day.

But despite it all she kept her spunk

My girl never went into a funk.

She growled at hardship and licked my tears

Every single day of her 12 years.

My Phoebe.

But the inevitable time came too quickly.

For the first time, my girl became very sickly.

Tried hard though we did, no help could be given.

It was too painful for her to keep living.

With a heavy heart and a dripping eye

I held my girl tightly and let her die.

My Phoebe.

4 months have gone by since she passed away.

I have gone on without her, so to say.

Considering it all, I thought I’ve done well.

My life is no longer a horrible hell.

Very strange, then, as I’m writing this

Tears fill my eyes as I reminisce

My Phoebe.

In loving memory of Phoebe the miniature schnauzer.

Born: October 28th, 2007

Died: July 15th, 2019







6 thoughts on “My Phoebe

    1. Thank you for stopping by, John! A pleasure, as always. I’m so glad you liked my tribute to Phoebe. She was a good dog. You would have liked her. 🙂 Though your cats wouldn’t have. She liked to drag cats around by the scruff of their necks. Well, she did to the ones who let her, that is. Not sure if Milly and Roscoe would have put up with that. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Yes, this is a fine tribute to Phoebe, your much loved friend, taken to soon. As we move through life, so many of us come to cherish our dog friends, who stay loyal to us through thick and thin, giving us love, fun, and a reason to get out of bed to let them out!

    Liked by 2 people

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